
Yackity Yack!

I should be repainting my toenails, or to be more correct-chiseling off the old few layers of paint and then repainting. The wedding Wednesday I had to rush to get ready for so I ended up painting over my old polish and throwing some open toed shoes on. It turned out nice, err, just as good as if a blind man had done it for me with his toes!! So, next on the agenda, toenails!!

Today was pretty un-eventful. We stayed home except for a trip to walmart. With Trystan in the carrier all these little old ladies would come up to see him and talk about how i need an extra set of hands with the two kids. I am a trooper though. I told Chris I was glad I made it through this week. I am soo used to getting a break when he would get home, but I can hang with it. God didn't give me the go yet.

Tomorrow after Church (which my Dad is supposed to go with us again-praise Jesus and can I get an AMEN!) we are going to Dothan to my grandparents and the whole family will be there for lunch. It is kind of a welcome home for my mom since she just got back from Teen Challenge last week. So far so good too. I just pray for her to have strength and stay straight. You are more than welcome to pray for her too. I will get to show Trystan off to the half of the family that hasn't seen him. I will try not to plow over their "For Sale By Owner" sign in the front yard!!

Must Have It:
Queen Helene Mint Julep Mask. This stuff is awesome for acne. I have gone through 2 tubes in like 6 yrs since it lasts forever. It is very good for those pesky nerve related problems right before a big day. http://www.queenhelene.com/skincaremaskscrub2.php I haven't tried the rest of their line but I will have to b/c of how great the mask is. Warning though, it does burn a lot the first time and if you get it close to your eyes. Otherwise, dries everything up and tightens and it is totally awesome.

Well...I will keep everyone posted on plans for moving, etc as soon as the big guy gives me instructions.

~*~Lori Jean and the Kidsters~*~

1 comment:

April :) said...

Hey girl,
I hope you had a good time with your family Sunday. I totally understand the try not to plow over the "for sale by owner" sign. Jason had a similiar situation when he was selling real estate with his sister! Maybe when you guys get out here when can go get pedicures some time! Chip off all those layers :)

Anyway, I have a must have it item for you. Well, mine isn't as fun as your stuff cause its for the house. I got this the other day and I can't take credit for finding it cause my mom introduced me to it. Anyway here is the link

It helped the appearance under my sink where I had been just throwing them all!!!

Talk to ya later
April :)