
We are all just growing up around here!

Cakes...and food...that is what I have been up to! I LOVE to make pretty/fun cakes. I am not saying I am really good at it, or that I can make anything special...but I enjoy what I can do-SO FAR! I am reading books and practicing on anyone's holiday who will let me make them a cake. It is becoming one of my many dream jobs!

Alexis is READING! Alexis is also almost a FIRST GRADER!!! EEEKKK!! It wasn't so bad sending her to her first day of kindergarten b/c I knew she would love it. Now, I am kind of sad it is over, it just means that now she will be in school for the most part of every year until she graduates and moves away from us. It is bittersweet! I totally plan to savor the summer. Swimming lessons, picnics, fishing, museum and zoo trips...as much fun and family time as I can cram into a summer! It is amazing what a little almost young woman Alexis is becoming. Sure, she has days she won't listen to a word I say and just rolls her eyes at me. She also has earned a lot of gratitude from her teacher for how well she listens there and how hard she works! Each day they get a smiley face or a sad face in their folder to tell how they did that day-Alexis has only had one sad face. I am soo proud to have the opportunity to have Alexis as my daughter! I really got blessed there!

Trystan is ALL BOY...with a hip switch and a nack for jelwery pairing! If Trystan isn't outside, playing with cars, or eating candy-he probably is mad at me! :) Last week Trystan must have just decided that he must talk always and use sentences, b/c he has been doing it ever since. I can have conversations with my little boy who just turned two. This growing up stuff is happening wayyy to fast for my liking-but they are soo awesome when you see all they can do! Trystan is not potty training yet, but he is showing interest and will sometimes let us know he is wet so we are on a good track here! The way Trystan notices things and thinks these days is truly amazing. He sings songs we haven't sang to him in months and knows to do things like throw things away and clean up.

Chris is still an amazing husband! He is working with the same company and doing a great job I feel! He does have to go out of town sometimes, but I deal with it and we try to use that time wisely to talk more and catch up on reading/hobbies that we don't have time for together. I would rather him be home, but I cannot sit around and gripe about it, so I don't.

Time to go fix the closet! I might update about that later!

~*~Lori Jean~*~