
Goodness Gracious

I really should go into all the details, but ladies (and gentlemen if there are any reading), there is just too much to tell!!!

This past week and a half has been super busy. Here is the run down:
-Almost done unpacking
-Added some neato new items to our home decor
-New Washer and Dryer (Maytag at that!)
-Met the coolest relatives of anyone ever (that means you April!!)
-Have been hanging with my Momma, and that has been wayy awesome
-Been learning about the new town
-Had a date with my husband (the first in like a year!-due to baby sitter restraints and pregnancy)
-Night out in Fort Worth (the above date)

Most of the busy has been unpacking, but otherwise it has still been fun! Good times ahead, God is blessing us more than we could ever have imagined. God Rocks!

The Mrs