
Dying to Pack

Instead of packing tonight like I had planned, I highlighted my hair for the first time in like 5 years. I had pride that my hair was natural...but it was getting a bit boring. I feel like I am about to meet a cute boy or something with Chris coming back in a day or two. I am using my super duper face mask to get rid of my break out, I tanned some and am going to try to go tomorrow if I can get a sitter for a bit. I will shave my legs and pluck my eyebrows and do my feet and nails! This is the first time in years that Chris will get to "see me for the first time" so I want to be pretty for him. Or as he says "smokin hot". Whatever that is...

And by the way, if you are not Kira or April you may not know about THE BIG MOVE. God said go to Texas for work. Chris went. Then God said, the whole family will go now. So we are. Both callings gave us about a week to prepare. The moving truck will be here on the 28th. This is all too exciting just picking up and going on faith. I Love It! This gives new energy to the family. and fyi-all of this occured when the right amount was written on the tithe checks...coincidence, I think not! :)

Well...Chris does not know I did my hair, and though I am acting like it is a big move for me (which it really is), it is not like I used to do with bright blonde highlights, but a more mature honey brown highlight on the dull brown hair I was blessed with. I hope he likes it. I didn't get to lose 10lbs and a dress size, but he wont mind so I won't either right now.

The packing will resume tomorrow if all goes as planned. After I get all of the breakables packed I may be calling in back up. As I told Kira, I don't want to be able to blame anyone but me if anything breaks.

Well...it is uber late so I should go take off my face mask and get some sleep. Big days ahead...exhilarating!

Pray for us! We love you all! Some people we will have to miss, but we will get to meet some in return so it is exciting!

~*~Lori Jean~*~

1 comment:

April :) said...

What's funny to me is I can see in our past God has done similiar things. For example all of our moves seem to have been wait...wait...wait then go, go, go, go now! I can relate to the tithe thing too.

I think tithing is just God saying are you going to trust me, rely on me, and be obediant? Kind of like He is wondering how much of a financial increase can He trust us with? My tithing has gone through stages...the we can't afford to tithe stage so I'm not (with Jason telling me to)...then the shut Jason up stage I'll write out the checks but not put them in the offerring plate and then we didn't have the money in our account and I had to tear up the checks...then the not wanting to do it stage but doing it anyway because my husband wanted me to still thinking we can't afford this...to the ok we'll do this stage Lord help us...to the now happy to be able to give something back to God for what all he's done for us!!! I am a slow learner I guess!

We are very excited about you guys coming out and very excited to get to know you and the kiddies better! So yeah see you next weekend :) If you guys need us to do anything for you in preparation this week just let me know.

Have fun packing!