
Everythings Bigger In Texas...

Ok...I will keep this upbeat.

Tonite we are packing for Chris to go to Texas tomorrow bright and early. I am nervous/scared/excited about it all. The kids and I will go later when he has a place set up there. I am not quite sure how I will function without Chris. In the past 4 yrs I haven't gone an entire day without him. We have prayed about this and everything is just falling into place. I pray constantly that he will make it safely and that everyone will be ok and that Alexis doesn't get too upset. I don't think she knows that he won't be home tomorrow night to tuck her in. We will make it, God is taking care of us, it is just human nature to get this antsy.

We are also praying for direction on if we should end up renting out our house here and moving, or going back and forth, or just keeping this place and going there and renting. It is hard. We do know that the time apart needs to be as minor as possible. Heck, he is only at his parents right now to tell them by and give them some spare keys and you would think he was already gone as sad as I am already. Of course I will just have to be strong and stay busy.

You ask my plans for this seperation:
Become the hottie Chris thinks he married. I have not had time to get back into shape since Trystan was born so I need to work on that. Yes, it has only been 3 months, but I got hooked on rice cooker cakes and that has ruined me. I will more than likely sign Alexis and Trystan up for Little Blessings-Mom's day out at Hillcrest so I can have those tues and thurs mornings to tan/exercise/ clean house/etc. So, I do look forward to chucking the snacks in the house and getting into shape so he sees the lady he fell in love with when I see him again. I want him to always be proud that I am his wife. I know he still is, but...I also know I need to get back into my clothes so I don't feel the need to buy new ones.

Well...this is a ramble, just a little something to say hey "pray for us" and to let you all know what is going on.

~*~Mommy Jelly Bean-Lori Jean~*~

PS-Aug 19th is our anniversary and we will more than likely not be able to be together, I will need ice cream and a chick flick and a friend or two. Chris will probably need someone to occupy his mind too. God preplanned the seperation by giving us the news of Trystan for our first anniversary to make up for this seperation I think.


April :) said...

Hey I added you to my blog list...hope that's ok!?

We will keep you guys in our prayers as you seek out God's will for what you need to do. I can't imagine how hard this is for you guys with the two little ones. I know after both of mine my emotions were all over the place so I can't imagine! But we will pray -- hope you have a good day and the kids sleep well :) Bye for now - April :)

April :) said...

Hey Girl!

If you want you can give me your email address and I'll email you some websites of rental property stuff.