
"Nu Uh" and "Yeah"

How to tell that your 9 month old understands the meaning of "nu uh" and "yeah":

While he is standing up and opening bathroom cabinets you tell him "nu uh", then he responds with "yeah" over and over and over again!

It has been very uneventful and yet eventful around here. Almost every one in the house has had some sort of cough, runny nose, stomach virus. For now *knock on wood* no one is sick though. It is unfortunate that we have been sick b/c it has hindered our ability to get more into the new church. Last Wednesday I had made up my mind-I was like "We are going! That is it! Chris can take care of himself if he gets home before we do." (I have not gone on Wed b/c Chris would get home to an empty house). After I made up my mind, I get a call and email from the church that they are closed b/c the ice storm! Ehh. New bible study and kids Awana tomorrow night here we come! So that is that...

My boy is growing too fast! He is learning how to share. If he is eating something (ex: his socks, plastic toys, cheerios that fell out of his mouth) then he will try to put some in your mouth too! He is working on walking. He holds on and walks around his play yard, he also tries to stand up without holding on a lot-usually falls, but that is ok! He got his 4 top teeth now so he has 6 teeth!!! He is talking more (mama, dada, yeah, uh oh) and he shakes his head "NO" if he does not want something-he always wants bananas or pancakes though! Cutest of all though-he LOVES music and dancing! If a song with a good beat come on he shakes his whole body or stands up (if he isn't in the car) and shakes his butt! It is adorable. Alexis and I often have little dance sessions with him and he just laughs and smiles soo much!

Alexis is reading 1-3 letter words!! We do flash cards during learning time. We are working on making friends not on TV. She has played with April's kiddos more and our new neighbor has 3 kids and we have had some playtimes with then. I really hope she gets close to someone! She is super intersted in cooking now! Wonder how that happened??!! ;) She has her own cookbook now and has picked out some recipes for the week!

I am getting a little less hairbrained these days! I started doing two week grocery shopping and making two weeks worth of meal plans to go with it! It really cuts down on the dinnertime stresses, the shopping stresses, and the desire to go out to eat! I am trying to learn how to bake also! I know!! Chris got me a stand mixer for Christmas and it does make a big difference when trying to mix up yummy baked goodies!

Chris is still the awesomest! We got to go out for my birthday (thanks April and Jason!) and that was a lot of fun! Being able to talk without kid interuptions was awesome! He is working hard and unfortunately is on 7 days a week 11 hrs a day with 2 additional hours of drive time! He gets pretty tired but we knew it would come with the job.

Good to be back folks! I will try to update more often!

The Lady of the Lopez Home!


April :) said...

Glad you guys are really enjoying it here! We are too and glad we all jive so well!!!

Mrs. Kelley said...

Thank you for finally updating! I know I talk to you on the phone occasionally but I enjoy reading about whats going on with you because sometimes when we are on the phone I can't understand you and have to put my own pieces and words in there for it to make sense (if that makes sense :0) ). Either your cell or mine starts breaking up when we are talking... every time. Anyways.. I am glad everything is going so well, glad you had a great birthday and an alone night with Chris. I know that meant a lot to you. :0) It's amazing how fast the kids are growing up! And I can't wait to see you all at my wedding in May!! :0)