
Ho Hums to WOO HOOs!

So, yeah, I have been down in the dumps lately. A little "home" sick, a little lonely, a little stressed.

Today was a good day though. I caught part of a Joyce Meyer show this morning. It was good-made me sing...made me feel better. After that I got to see some of my favorite In (out) Laws! :), storytime at the library, new friends for Alexis and I came over to play until 1. Trystan is napping and has been for an hour, Alexis is having tag time, I am doing laundry and cleaned the dishes some. Today is good. It is good b/c I chose for it to be good. God loves me, so I can have good days! Every day should be good. I just gotta keep this up. The nicer weather will make it easier since we can head out to the park or pool or somewhere fun whenever the weather is nice!

Just wanted to let everyone know I ma having a good/positive day!

I am watching Fireproof-Chris has been working late so we cannot see it together, but so far so good.

And a special thank you to a special lady-Mrs Jones...I am still singing Mr Jones in my head...you have made this move so much easier. I will be making your bff contract soon! :)

Lori Jean Jelly Bean!


Kira =] said...

talking doesn't hurt, huh?

And yes of course Trina can call me (don't know if I'll answer). LOL

Just leave a message & eventually we'll get in touch.

Love you guys!!

April :) said...

Awe you are so sweet! Thanks for the sweet comments!

You know it is so true....our day's are what we make them. Our attitude sets the tone for the day and the tone for our kid's attitudes. It goes back to the saying, "If momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy." I have even noticed that when Jason comes home if I am complaining about the kids it puts him in a complaining mood too. Then the kids start to get on his nerves more!

So good for you for seizing the day!!! :)

Jan Parker said...

However, you wouldn't be "normal" if you didn't have a down day once in awhile. How would you know the good days were good if you didn't experience bad ones. Besides, you learn more about yourself...like how well you CAN handle things...even if they stress you. You are one tough cookie,Lori and a good person, so don't forget that eh?
Love ya!