
December has come!

Soo, it has only been about a month, but I am back again.

Chris has been home and that has made me happy. They have work lined up in TX so hopefully there will be no away time during the holidays!

Trystan has started crawling, and stopped wanting to take his morning nap-hence the lack of updating! He keeps me very busy now. He has been eating anything he can get his mouth on! We only feed him pureed food and I did let him gnaw on an apple for a little while the other day. The kid loves food! He also likes his toys, which he is talking to right now. When they do not work like he wants he talks loudly to them. Trystan learned how to clap! It is very cute! He says the MaMa and DaDa and when he wants his diaper and sees it he says "DDDD". He is growing up soo fast!

Alexis is doing very well in her gymnastics! They have an expo on the 13th to show off what they have learned. We are still doing pre-k at home. We have not been able to keep a good schedule since Trystan doesn't nap well now, but we are still doing a good deal of learning. She is getting pretty good at telling time, spelling and reading 2-3 letter words, recognizing larger words, handwriting, and counting! It is really cool to watch the children learn and grow!

I am being mommy and wife. I like it. I am still doing pampered chef, just have not done any shows here with Chris being gone and trying to get things settled in. We have been putting out Christmas this week and should be getting a tree this weekend to put up! I am really excited. We went to Bama for Thanksgiving. It was hectic. We were tired. We are NOT driving that far again for a LONG time, do not care what the occassion, not gonna do it!!! 18 hrs in a vehicle...Trystan doesn't like riding in the car that long, he is a mover and a shaker. So saying it was not a fun drive is an understatement. We did do some shopping for the kids without them so most of their Christmas is done! We just need to help "santa" and pick up some stocking stuffers. We did enjoy seeing our families though! I do with we could have seen more ppl but the entire family was so beat from going all over the place, the only way anyone could have seen us would have been to go where we were.

Glad you all got updated on our life!

Merry Almost Christmas!

Lori Jean

1 comment:

wilkinson family said...

wow, i am so happy that chris is back there with you guys again.
i remember that trip from tx to al. karina was 2 yrs. and i was preg. with wayne and we drove that trip home to al for christmas one year. i completely understand not wanting to do it again. sorry that kira wasn't there for you to visit with. she came up to see me.
take care.