
Tidbits of Texas Life

Alexis is doing ok here. She has had some troubles with the move and just missing some people, but I think she will be ok. We should have custody now legally, even though we have had her anyways, we wanted it official with the move and all. We are still doing "learning time". I think Alexis is doing really well. She can do letter sounds to "G" and even more, but that is as far as we have actually studied. She is working on telling time and working with money-mostly just familiarizing, no major stuff there yet. She almost has the days of the week down and she is getting a better understanding of months/dates/years. I really feel like Alexis will be reading by Kindergarten due to her quickness to recognize words that she already knows-and also that she has been making the letter sounds for words that she sees but doesn't know. This is an all too exciting time. I know that she will really enjoy it when she does learn to read b/c she loves books and I cannot always read them for her when she wants a story. Tomorrow Alexis starts gymnastics at a place here called The Rock. She is really excited. We found a Hannah Montanah leotard and backpack for her. If she does well with this then she will start dance classes in Spring-we wanted to start with one and see how it went. It was totally exciting that we could finally afford to put her in a class like this!

Look at my boy! He sits up by himself, has began getting up on his hands and knees and rocking (hence the blur), and he has two teeth that have broken through! All this excitement! The only really bad thing he has started is this blood curtling scream-he usually only uses this if he is unable to go to sleep before 9pm. Love my boy though. Chris' aunt was showing me some pics of Chris as a baby and young boy-I pray Trystan keeps looking like his daddy b/c his daddy was awesomely cute!! :) Oh yeah-Trystan says DADA! He said Momma one day, but now he just says DADA.
I miss my Mr. :( <--my face is sadder than that one.

Chris came back a few days back is now back in MS. I don't feel complete without him here, but, this is how it is. We still fully believe this is where God wants us to be, so I cannot dwell on the sad part, just that we are doing his will now. He is doing really well with his new job. It is nice b/c Chris has such joy and pride even on the bad days at work. He always seems to feel good about it. I am soo very proud of him and all he is doing to take care of us and follow the Lord.
Thanks to April I have been going to a bible study on Thursday mornings. It has really opened my eyes about my relationship with Chris. Where I thought I was doing great I realized I could do soo much more to make sure he knows how special he is. God lays it all our for us to have a great marriage, we just have to seek out the knowledge in the bible and apply it! I am also learning that no matter how good things are, you always need to strive to seek out God's will and words to keep you getting closer and doing better. If you ever stop trying to do better then you are just settling for not nearly good enough. This move has done soo much for our family and our faith. It is exhilarating. God truly does awesome work in our lives. I don't like Chris being gone, but it has honestly given us both a chance to remember all the things that we fell in love with in one another that we were putting on the back burner since we had Trystan.
It is late, cannot sleep without chris but I should try again.


Anonymous said...

Both of them are growing sooo much! Alexis especially. It seems that Trystan is doing well with his ability levels. Does that make sense? :) Well it was nice talking to you yesterday. Glad you are enjoying Texas!

April :) said...

Great pictures of the kids! Even though I saw them last night, Trystan looks so growny in these pictures!

Noah enjoyed making cookies. He was so proud of them. He asked Jason on the way home if he got one of the cookies he made!

Hope Alexis enjoys The Rock --- that should be fun! Bye :)

Oh, and don't feel bad...I'm learning through this Bible Study that I've got a lot to learn too!!!

Mrs. Kelley said...

hey, i've got a blogspot now... i dont know how to add you.